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Prabhupada was the conductor, his cane was his baton.

Yamuna : From John Lennon's estate: on November 3, 1969, Srila Prabhupada moved into his interim apartment on Baker Street, because Bury Place temple is not yet ready. So he gave us the ultimatum that we were to finish the Bury Place temple in two weeks, otherwise he would see to it himself.

Every day he would go from his quarters to the temple to see how it was progressing and give directions by pointing with his cane: "This must be done. That must be done." So the pace and the scope of the activities that were to be completed within this short period of time were phenomenal.

Srila Prabhupada was the conductor, and we were the orchestra. His cane was his conductor's baton, and he was directing everything - how the kitchen was being arranged or how there would be facility for prasadam distribution. He was a master conductor with a master vision for Krishna and his Guru Maharaja.

Reference: Yamuna Devi - A Life of Unalloyed Devotion