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January 9, 1976 : Bombay

Hari Sauri: There was a long letter from Tushta Krishna Swami in New Zealand. He and his men are preaching vigorously and have launched several new projects as well as developing their farm. He has opened a vegetarian restaurant with money that a boy inherited from his family's beef farm. They had good publicity from the press and on television, and he also has plans to start a Vedic University as part of his development of a varnasrama community.

Pleased with their preaching efforts, Prabhupada sent a long letter in reply, dealing with the report point by point. He was pleased about the opening of the restaurant but cautioned him that it should not be seen simply as a place for promoting vegetarianism. "We should not waste time encouraging vegetarianism as opposed to meat eating. We want to encourage prasadam taking, and that is automatically vegetarian."

Happy about the proposal to start a Vedic University, Prabhupada outlined to Tushta his recent plans for instituting examinations within the Society and explained that anyone who wants to become a brahmana will have to sit for an examination once a year at Mayapur.

At the same time he also pointed out that, "In our Vedic Universities we will not encourage anyone to become merely a bookworm...There must be life - rising early in the morning, attending mangala arati, taking prasadam etc. The man who is studying will be brahmana, the farmer will be vaisya. In this way there will be divisions, but they are all one in the service to Krishna."

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 1 - Hari Sauri Dasa