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March 5, 1977 : Mayapur

Lokanath: On March 5, Gaura Purnima day, a hundred thousand pilgrims were to be fed Krishna-prasada. Prabhupada had requested that everyone who visited be asked to take prasada. To feed that many people, it was originally decided to distribute small handfuls of gur and peanuts. But Prabhupada wasn't satisfied with a token meal, and he planned the menu himself.

"Give them sumptuous food," he said. "What is this?" - making the devotees laugh as he held out his hand imitating an unsatisfied person receiving a handful of gur and peanuts. Under his instruction, the prasada standard became excellent. He said, "Make one kichari, one potato-eggplant vegetable, tomato chutney, and if possible, sweet rice. Then people will be very much satisfied."

The serve-out took place on our property throughout the day. Tens of thousands of eager pilgrims - in batch after batch - sat in rows before leaf plates and were served kichari and the other tasty items that Prabhupada had put on the menu. Dozens of servers satisfied the Bengalis' eagerness for prasada. This was probably the biggest serve-out in a single day in the early history of Mayapur.

Reference: The Mayapur-Vrindavana Festivals with Srila Prabhupada (1972–77) - Lokanath Swami