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July 02, 1972 : New York

Vaiyasaki: It is late in the afternoon, when Vishnujana Maharaja and Damodara arrive for the meeting in Prabhupada's office. Prabhupada begins by requesting Damodara to state his case. Damodara has come fully prepared with receipts, and a copy of the letter of credit sent to India, which he presents to His Divine Grace. 
"Srila Prabhupada, I purchased these Deities for the Washington temple, and I have the bill of sale." As Prabhupada glances over the bill of sale, the bill of lading, the notifications from the Port Authority and the trucking company, Damodara explains how he had only loaned the Deities to Kirtanananda Swami, who had promised to return Them. 
Prabhupada looks up at his young sannyasi. "Vishnujana Maharaja, what do you say?
"You cannot purchase Krishna with a bill of sale, Srila Prabhupada.
"Yes," Prabhupada answers, smiling, very pleased with the remark. "That is right."
For a moment, Prabhupada gazes at a Deity that stands in his room. He then turns to Damodara and gestures towards the black marble Krishna, the original Krishna Deity in ISKCON, which had been there in New York since the inception of the movement. "This Govindaji Deity you may take. Install Him in Washington, along with Radharani that Yamuna can arrange. You may request Yamuna to provide Radharani for Krishna."

Reference: Radha-Damodara Vilasa I - Vaiyasaki Dasa