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July 08, 1965 : Bombay

In his diary on July 8, 1965, Srila Prabhupada wrote: "To see Choksi at 12 noon."

Satsvarupa : With his passport and sponsorship papers, Srila Prabhupada went to Bombay, not to sell books or raise funds for printing; he wanted a ticket for America. Again he tried approaching Sumati Morarji. He showed his sponsorship papers to her secretary, Mr. Choksi, who was impressed and who went to Mrs. Morarji on his behalf. "The Swami from Vrindavana is back," he told her. "He has published his book on your donation. He has a sponsor, and he wants to go to America. He wants you to send him on a Scindia ship." Mrs. Morarji said no, the Swamiji was too old to go to the United States and expect to accomplish anything. As Mr. Choksi conveyed to him Mrs. Morarji's words, Srila Prabhupada listened disapprovingly. She wanted him to stay in India and complete the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Why go to the States? Finish the job here. 

But Srila Prabhupada was fixed on going. He told Mr. Choksi that he should convince Mrs. Morarji. He coached Mr. Choksi on what he should say: "I find this gentleman very inspired to go to the States and preach something to the people there..." But when he told Mrs. Morarji, she again said no. The Swami was not healthy. It would be too cold there. He might not be able to come back, and she doubted whether he would be able to accomplish much there. People in America were not so cooperative, and they would probably not listen to him. 

Exasperated with Mr. Choksi's ineffectiveness, Srila Prabhupada demanded a personal interview.

Reference: The Jaladuta Diary, 1965 & Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta Volume 1 - Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami