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August 30, 1973 : Bhaktivedanta Manor

Srutakirti: While traveling, Srila Prabhupada and his disciples were often invited to a life member's house for a feast. One such gathering took place when Srila Prabhupada was staying at the Manor. Several dozen devotees went to an Indian gentleman's house. The prasadam was very opulent.

At the feast, there was halava, sweet rice, puris and many other preparations. I watched Srila Prabhupada eat. Normally, he took prasadam alone in his room. I cannot do him justice by trying to describe the heavenly way he moved his fingers, hands, and mouth as he ate prasadam, but even I could see that he was honoring Krishna prasadam. We all ate to our full satisfaction.

"So everyone has enjoyed prasadam?" he asked smiling. "Everyone has enjoyed the feast?"

"Well, actually, Srila Prabhupada, some of the devotees, they are not feeling well," I said. "They are saying that everything was fried in oil instead of ghee."

"Well, what do you expect?" he replied. "I was watching them and I saw. Pradyumna, he ate so many puris and another devotee he ate so much of the vegetable."

I was amazed. I noticed Srila Prabhupada eating, but I had no idea he had observed so much. He simultaneously did so many things without ever appearing to do anything at all.

"Yes, Srila Prabhupada," I agreed, "but, I also don't feel well and I didn't eat very much."

"Yes. I know this," he said. "You didn't eat so much, but I do remember you ate four puris."

"Yes, Prabhupada, I guess I did," I answered in disbelief.

I offered my obeisances and left the room still trying to figure out how he knew all of this. He knew more about what I ate then I did. It was remarkable to me how he was so aware of everything that was going on around him at a simple function.

Reference: What is the Difficulty? - Srutakirti Dasa