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October 21, 1968 : Seattle

Satsvarupa: On one of his last evenings in Seattle, Prabhupada gave a lecture at the temple as usual, and then he returned to his apartment. The devotees at the temple took hot milk and prepared themselves for rest. But suddenly Prabhupada reentered the temple. It was very unusual. For about thirty minutes, a beautiful bhajana of Prabhupada singing the "Vande 'ham" prayers played in the room before the assembled devotees.
Afterwards, Prabhupada said, "I have just received one telegram from India. The person who gave me sannyasa has left his body." Prabhupada continued to explain. "I have not lost anything," Prabhupada said. "He was so kind upon me. I have gained. I left three children; I have now got three hundred children, so I am not loser. This is material conception. We think that we shall be loser by accepting Krishna. I say from my practical experience. I was thinking that, 'How can I accept this renounced order of life? I cannot accept so much trouble.' But I retired from my family life. I was sitting alone in Vrindavana, writing books. So this, my Godbrother, he insisted me."

"So I am feeling now very obliged to my, this Godbrother, that he carried out the wish of my spiritual master and forced me to accept this sannyasa order. So this Godbrother, His Holiness Keshava Maharaja, is no more. He has entered Krishna's abode. So I wish to pass a resolution of bereavement and send that. And I have composed one verse also in this connection in Sanskrit. So you all present, you sign this. I shall send it tomorrow."

Prabhupada first signed his own name and then gave the letter to Kartikeya to take to each devotee in the room. One by one, they placed the paper on the floor and signed it. The devotee carrying the paper was about to pass by several guests, but Prabhupada said, "No, no. Everyone here is present, and so they are all a witness." The last one to sign was Prabhupada's servant, Kartikeya. Kartikeya put the paper on the floor and slowly signed his name, while Srila Prabhupada leaned forward on the vyasasana, watching very intently.

Reference: Prabhupada-lila - Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami