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Viraha Astastaka - The Flood of Krsna-prema

jivera darada-dukhi srila prabhupada!
viraha-vasare tava heri avasada

O Srila Prabhupada! You personally suffer to see the suffering of the fallen conditioned souls. On this anniversary of your separation I feel utterly despondent.

abaddha-karuna-sindhu katiya mohana
nityananda karechila prema-vanya dana 

"The ocean of mercy was previously dammed up, but Lord Nityananda Himself cut open a channel, thereby releasing an outpouring flood of pure ecstatic love of God." [from Locana Dasa Thakura's "Nitai guna-mani"]

yadera kavale chila srota pravahite
tadera badhila maya vrata para-hite

Those devotees to whom the responsibility was given to continue spreading this flood of love somehow became overpowered by maya and were reduced to simply performing ritualistic Hindu ceremonies for the benefit of materialists.

jati-gosai name ta'ra pravaha badhila
apani asiya prabhu muhana khulila

Lord Nityananda's inundation of prema was thus obstructed by those known as jati-gosai, or caste gosvamis. But then you personally came, O Master, to open wide the floodgates once again.

premera vanyaya abara dubala sabare
mo-hena dina hina patita pamare

Again you engulfed everyone in the deluge of pure divine love - even such a low, wretched, fallen, and sinful soul as me.

mahaprabhura ajna-bale sevaka sabare
guru-rupe pathale jivera dvare dvare

On the strength of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's command, you sent out all your servants as spiritual masters, from door to door, just to deliver the fallen souls.

a-samudra himacala sarvatra pracara
tomara virahe aja saba andhakara

The devotees were preaching everywhere, from the oceans to the Himalayas. But now that you are gone from our midst, there is only darkness everywhere.

jivera darada-duhkhi srila prabhupada!
viraha-vasare tava heri avasada

O Srila Prabhupada! You personally suffer to see the suffering of the fallen conditioned souls. On this day of your separation I am utterly despondent.

Reference: A Shower of Divine Compassion: The Collected Poems of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada